Sunday, January 5, 2014

APPLEJACK-OFF 2014: Ice cold words of warning.

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Freeze-distilled applejack can taste really good, but seriously we wouldn't recommend going off and trying this even though it seems kind of easy.  That's why we won't be showing it here.  But we know the internet exists, so here is a link to a video of some guy doing it and you can go watch it if you want.   You can mention the difference of distillation and concentration all you want but in the USA this counts as "distillation" as far as the Federal Government is concerned, and the ATF can bust you if they feel like it.  We did concentrate our own applejack while living in Tokyo, where they couldn't give a crap about that kind of thing, but if you're just gonna go do this with Mott's or something, you won't be getting anything amazing no matter what you do.

It's worth mentioning that if you go on and do this anyway, you can "strip" out the fusel nasties by simmering your final concentrate on the stove at maybe 170F for a few minutes to let them evaporate.  The problem with doing this is that you've just turned your kitchen into a bomb, since all these vapors are flamable and you've got the stove going (that situation can end in "kablooey" if they decide to go say hi to your open flame down there), so only do this if you have a stove hood with a vent that actually vents outside.   It's also worth mentioning that this can be a lot more trouble than it's worth, and we're going to show you some amazing labels out there that you can go buy just go buy some and you won't have to worry about any of this.

The only way Pinky Mixology is interested in hurting anyone is with a hangover and empty calories.  Anything else and you're on your own.

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You guys see the reflection of our tree in the glass there (it's in the title pic too).  That's pretty cool huh?  Yeah.   That's our very own Paula Red apple tree.  We might be doing something with that at the end of the summer.

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