It's time for do it yourself ginger beer. With a bit of a "winter ale" twist, we show you how to make your own sweet ginger beverage at home. This is more or less the non-alcoholic version, with dry versions possible but taking upwards of 2 weeks and requiring equipment not shown here.
So sit back relax and enjoy this foray into ...whatever the hell this is.
This looks so dark because we boiled the sugar with a little water to the point where it was really cooked and caramelized (being careful not to burn it). We try lots of things here but if you do boil anything, make sure it's cooled off before it comes in contact with the yeast, otherwise the heat will kill it and then this will be blah.
While baking yeast technically can work here and is a staple of teenage dorm-wine, and the finer pruno vintages out there, it really can make this stuff a bit nasty. Brewing yeasts can make enough gas but have been selectively cultured to not taste like ass.
Almost another santorum joke. We just can't help it, we're totally immature.
Cooling these things down will slow the gas-generation down but not stop it 100%. Pressure can still build up in there, so don't forget about these things.
Next Time: Valentine's Day Champagne Shooters!
-Pinkys out.