Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Port Morris Distillery Pitorro: The Nañejo / Nanejo


Yes, we could have worked Mandarina in there somewhere, but... this seemed really catchy.

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The Port Morris Distillery Tasting Room has a number of combinations which they offer, in order for you to get a good grasp of what they offer becomes when mixed with other flavors.  They favor carbonated beverages when pairing their Pitorro Añejo, and here are the main offerings you will find there:
The Uptown: Pitorro Añejo & Ginger Ale
El Toro: Pitorro Añejo & Red Bull (just FYI, alcohol + caffeine at strong levels like that can be harmful to anyone with hypertension).
Palito Libre: Pitorro Añejo & Cola

Three isn't a really big number, so we thought we would try to expand on their offerings by adding another very simple combination, and we call it: The Nañejo. It is something just about anyone can do without any fancy equipment or a whole bar full of ingredients.  You will need a few things though.


Port Morris Pitorro Añejo
Maine Root Mandarin Orange Soda
A glass to put it in.
Ice...probably.  See our post about Ice and stuff.  You'll learn stuff.

OK, so now you have your stuff together, let's see how easy it is to add 2 things together.  ...it's pretty easy.

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Pitorro Añejo is one of those spirits that you are sometimes almost sad to add to a mixed drink, because it's so nice by itself.  But, unlike certain things like aged whiskeys or super-rum types, it really can play nice with others without losing its individual qualities.  It's the guy who shows up at a tango dance competition, but in the dark red tuxedo.  He definitely belongs there, but you are also definitely gonna remember him.   

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While not 100% locally sources in terms of our Brooklyn location, Maine Root sodas are really some of the best ones you can find out there without having to put on a mining helmet and start really digging.  If your store doesn't carry it, see what you can do about pestering them enough to get at least the orange.

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That's pretty much it.  It's a standard rum & coke type of thing.  

Next Up: 
El Ojo / The Eye.

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